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Financial Solutions

Healthcare organizations are constantly battling the dilemma of how to deliver effective and high-quality care in a healthcare environment that continues to focus on minimizing costs. The key to solving this dilemma is to strategically align effective care and financial sustainability, cutting costs and also increasing revenue.

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Financial Strategy

Creating financial flexibility and ensuring sustainability for governments, payers, and providers is a growing challenge. Complexities in regulatory requirements, braided funding, and overlapping government-commercial insurance create uncertainty. XHealth can support your organization in aligning its financial strategies with competing business priorities. Together we can develop innovative alternative payment and value-based models that support a “win-win” for governments, payers, and providers.

Procurement Support

Responding to requests for proposals from federal, state, and local contract administrators provides the opportunity to grow your company and build a robust book of business. However, submitting a successful proposal that meets minimum requirements and communicates your organization’s unique value requires significant resources. XHealth Solutions can augment your business development efforts by providing project management, strategic value proposition development sessions, content writing, and mock scoring to maximize your chances of success.

Due Diligence

XHealth can support both a potential buyer and seller of a healthcare organization to itemize and identify existing strengths and weaknesses in current business practices, compliance with regulatory requirements, revenue cycle maximization, and strategic positioning within the healthcare industry. Whether you’re vetting a potential investment or seeking to maximize your organizational value through a sale, XHealth can help create tangible value.

Frequently Asked Questions

Explore Solutions and Schedule a Consultation Call 

Start fulfilling your mission for the communities you serve. Schedule a 30-minute exploratory consultation call with Darren to discuss the challenges limiting your success and identity impactful solutions.

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